In a few months, in March, Sky's 4K broadcasts should start and users with Sky Q will be the first to be able to enjoy this technological innovation.The Sky Q operation is proceeding at full speed: thousands of subscribers are waiting to receive the new Sky Q Platinum package, with the new decoder and mini units designed to distribute the signal to the other rooms of the house.In addition to Sky Q Platinum, however, Sky Q Black will also arrive in March, a decoder version without multivision functions (it does not have many tuners) but still compatible with the Sky Q apps, with 4K broadcasts and with the new interface of the more advanced model. .Sky Q Black, according to rumors, would actually be the exact same decoder that many Sky users already have in their homes, however, equipped with updated software.It would in fact be the Sky HD Humax decoder that Sky has already started distributing for months to new subscribers, a decoder equipped with wi-fi, DVB-T2 tuner, 1 TB hard disk and HDMI 4K output.The design of the Humax decoder, not surprisingly, is identical to that of the Sky Q decoder and differs only for the lower black band, "Black", instead of the silver one of the "Platinum".Precisely for this reason Sky is planning to release an update also for all users who have the Humax decoder at home, bringing it to the "Black" version of Sky Q. To date this is only an indiscretion, and we do not know if it will go wrong. port and if it will cost subscribers.Today, those who want Sky Q in addition to activation pay the Sky Q Plus package, but the expense is mainly linked to the Multivision use that Sky Q Black will not have.There are also details on a possible 4K package, and the decoder update could be subordinated to the transition to 4K.These are all assumptions: the only certain news is that the new generation My Sky HD decoders are upgradeable and are nothing more than “Sky Q Black”.Now the ball goes to Sky, and in the coming weeks everything will be clearer.Copyright © 2022 - Scripta Manent publishing services srl - All rights reserved - VAT number 11967100154